Productividad contra el robo transnacional
El robo y el acaparamiento de tierras (landgrabbing) se ha convertido en un fenómeno global de apropiación de grandes extensiones de tierras agrícolas por empresas transacionales que convierten la agricultura en una megaindustria. Desde Argentina, se propone resistencia a esta gigantesca entrega de tierras para el agronegocio industrial y movilizar la productividad y la creatividad propia para contrarrestar esta amenaza.
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Asesinatos en la selva Amazónica
La selva amazónica está en grave peligro. El Congreso de Brasil acaba de debilitar sus leyes forestales, mientras siguen aumentando los asesinatos de valientes activistas que se oponen a esta reforma. Ha llegado la hora de unirse a esta importante batalla global. Si unidos le pedimos a la presidenta Dilma que rechaze la ley, podemos salvar la Amazonía.
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El Salvador: contra la impunidad y no más minas
Se oponen firmemente a la minería metálica en su país. Por eso, ambientalistas del departamento de Cabañas y jóvenes periodistas de Radio Victoria son continuamente amenazados de muerte por un autodenominado “grupo de exterminio”. Hoy una vez más se ha hecho realidad una pesadilla: el joven ambientalista Juan Francisco Durán Ayala, quien se encontraba desaparecido desde hace más de una semana, ha sido encontrado muerto.
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Help Us Cut Funding for the Senseless Killing...
That's right -- driven by narrow agricultural interests, the federal government kills tens of thousands of wild animals every year.
Wildlife Services calls it the "livestock protection" program - but it could be called the "wildlife extermination" program because they spend millions of taxpayer dollars every year to subsidize the killing of bears, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes and other wild predators.
Please help us stop this wildlife extermination by asking your representative to vote for an amendment that would slash funding for this deadly program.
Wildlife Services, a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, kills wildlife simply because private livestock producers ask them to. The animals are caught in traps and snares, shot from helicopters, poisoned with cyanide and other deadly toxins, and pups and cubs may be killed in their dens.
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Help Free the "Sentosa 25" from Resort World
27 dolphins were captured from the waters of the Solomon Islands -- 2 have died so far. 25 remain in captivity, and the longer they stay there, the odds increase dramatically that they'll die before they can be freed.
These dolphins have been taken from their natural habitat and held captive, their lives endangered by a hotel chain. Tell Resorts World that these dolphins should be free -- not pent up in tanks to entertain guests.
The dolphin tank at the hotel in question (Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore) hasn't even been built yet. Since half of all captured dolphins die within their first two years of captivity, it would seem that Resorts World simply captured more dolphins than necessary to see how many of them would still be around by the time they were needed.
In the wild, dolphins have a life expectancy of 45 years, and they can swim 40-100 miles a day. They spend half their time hunting for food, which is important for their mental stimulation.
In tanks, dolphins swim around in circles. They can't hunt. They're exposed to bacteria that have been known to cause blindness and death. We need to tell Resorts World to free the "Sentosa 25."
Ric O'Barry used to train Flipper –– yes, that Flipper –– but he's now a staunch anti-captivity activist. O'Barry wrote an open letter to the CEO of Resorts World Sentosa which read, "We know the people of Singapore love dolphins. Most Singaporeans would object to keeping dolphins in captivity if they knew the dangers to the dolphins and the horrific capture practices of the Solomon Islands and other dolphin capture countries."
Here's the good news: Resorts World is sensitive to public pressure. Two years ago, the company abandoned plans for a whale shark exhibit after community outcry. 25 dolphins are depending on us to achieve the same result today.
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Barbie destruye los bosques
Un escándalo acaba de romper una de las parejas más emblemáticas del mundo: se descubrió que Barbie, la muñeca más famosa del mundo, está involucrada en un caso de destrucción de los bosques de Indonesia. Esta revelación ha llevado al novio de Barbie de toda la vida, Ken, a anunciar públicamente que "no sale con chicas que deforestan".
El fabricante de Barbie, Mattel, usa para el empaquetado de sus productos papel fabricado por Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), una empresa famosa por destruir los bosques. APP sigue deforestando las selvas y turberas en Indonesia a pesar de las graves consecuencias para el clima, las comunidades locales y los animales en peligro de extinción, como el tigre de Sumatra y el orangután.
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Stop Coal Companies From Erasing Labor...
Stop Coal Companies From Erasing Labor Union History
Ninety years ago, 10,000 coal miners rose up to fight a private coal company's army -- and their World War I bombers -- in Blair Mountain, West Virginia, for the right to unionize. It was the biggest battle on U.S. soil since the Civil War.
The Battle of Blair Mountain was a watershed moment for the nation's labor movement, which spread from Appalachia’s coal fields to Detroit’s auto factories and Pittsburgh’s steel mills -- and continues today.
Communities nationwide are still struggling against destructive corporate policies, and they have to keep fighting.
Unless enough people across the country stand up to the coal companies in West Virginia again, they’re going to wipe the Blair Mountain historic battle site off the map in the name of profit.
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Sign the petition to protect Alaska's Bristol Bay...
Sign the petition to protect Alaska's Bristol Bay from an open pit gold mine
Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed supports the world’s largest remaining wild salmon fishery.
Year after year, the salmon return to Bristol Bay in astounding numbers, like no other place on earth. The fishery supports an abundance of bears, whales, eagles and sustains the Alaska Native communities that rely on the salmon as their primary source of food.
Unfortunately, the Pebble Mine proposal threatens Bristol Bay.
The mine is projected to be the largest in North America, generating as much as 10 billion tons of toxic mine waste and destroying salmon habitat.
Fortunately, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has authority under the Clean Water Act to restrict mine waste dumping in the pristine waters and wetlands of the Bristol Bay watershed. And they're deciding soon whether to use it.
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Salvemos a los Delfines más Tristes
25 delfines salvajes se enfrentan a una vida de sufrimiento en cautiverio porque Resorts World Sentosa se ha empeñado en ofrecer una nueva atracción. Pero nuestra protesta global puede lograr que este proyecto acabe siendo un desastre de relaciones públicas, y que estos delfines recobren su libertad. Firma la petición para liberar a estos tristes animales, y combate el tráfico de delfines salvajes.
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Llamamiento de Dakar contra el acaparamiento
Durante el Foro Social Mundial de Dakar, Senegal, en Febrero de 2011, movimientos sociales y organizaciones lanzaron un llamamiento colectivo contra el acaparamiento de tierras. Más de 150 organizaciones ya se han adherido. Si su organización deseara también apoyar este llamamiento, por favor haganlo antes del 15 de Junio de 2011.
El llamamiento de Dakar, junto con los nombres de las organizaciones que lo hayan avalado, será presentado durante las movilizaciones contra la próxima Cumbre de Ministros de Agricultura del G20 a celebrar en Paris los días 22-23 de Junio.
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