Action to protect public health and ban asbestos

International Petition to the U.S. Congress! Ban Asbestos, Save Lives Today

The World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Public Health Service and the U.S. Surgeon General agree: asbestos is a human carcinogen and there is no safe level of asbestos exposure. Asbestos-related diseases claim the lives of more than 10,000 Americans every year, and occupational, environmental, and consumer asbestos exposure continues. The facts are irrefutable, yet the United States has failed to ban asbestos and continues to import asbestos to manufacture asbestos-containing products, even though safe substitutes exist.
THEREFORE, we join with the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) in urging Congress to:
- Expedite action to ban asbestos imports
- Ban the manufacture, sale and export of asbestos and asbestos-containing products
- Enforce existing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations designed to protect men, women, and children from asbestos exposure
- Direct research funding to the United States Department of Health and Human Services to identify those at risk for asbestos-related disease, develop better treatments, and find a cure
We, the undersigned, support the petition to urge the United States Congress to take immediate action to protect public health and ban asbestos.

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Fracking: investigarán la contaminación sus defensores

Tell the Obama Administration: don't put fracking advocates in charge of a fracking pollution investigation

The state of Wyoming is taking over a U.S. EPA investigation into the possible contamination of Pavillion, WY area groundwater by fracking.
EPA had already concluded -- for the first time -- that fracking had polluted groundwater, and was getting their conclusion peer reviewed when Wyoming's Governor Mead announced it was taking over.
The state could only take control if the Obama administration allowed it.  In allowing it, the White House is allowing the very interests who denied there was a problem in the first place to -- in essence -- investigate themselves. And now the people around Pavillion have been abandoned, their polluted drinking water unresolved.

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Aumentarían los niveles de tolerancia sobre el Roundup

Tell the EPA: Do Not Raise Tolerance Levels on Roundup

Do you ever eat carrots, sweet potatoes, flax or sunflower seeds?
Most of us think of these foods as a nutritious part of our diet, providing us with the vitamins we need to stay healthy. But the EPA is considering a rule that would change that, by raising the amount of Roundup chemical residue that's allowed on many vegetables and seeds that we eat every day. Tell the EPA that you don't want to be exposed to more chemicals on your food!
Monsanto's ubiquitous weed killer, Roundup, has been sprayed on farms across America for decades. Now, 14 varieties of Roundup-resistant "superweeds" exist, creating enormous hassle for struggling farmers. To combat the superweeds, Monsanto wants farmers to buy and spray even more Roundup on their crops, perpetuating an endless cycle of toxic chemical overuse. To make matters worse, they are pressuring the EPA to change the rules and allow for more chemical residue on the vegetables we eat.
Demand that the EPA protect our health by not raising the amount of Monsanto's Roundup chemical that's allowed on carrots, sweet potatoes, flax and sunflower seeds.
When you take action to protect your food, it works! Activists like you recently flooded the USDA with 400,000 comments against "agent orange" corn, and the agency agreed to conduct an environmental impact statement to examine this product's health effects. Now, we need to sound the alarms again, telling the EPA not to allow more pesticides on our food. Submit your public comment today to protect your health!

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