Protect Wild Alaskan Caribou, Sheep and Salmon
Protect Caribou, Dall Sheep, and Salmon Streams
Home to the renowned Porcupine caribou herd, moose, Dall sheep, and crystal-clear salmon streams, Alaska’s Eastern Interior remains one of our nation’s largest and wildest natural areas.
Create an Area of Critical Environmental Concern
The Bureau of Land Management is taking public comment on the creation of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) that would provide protections for wildlife and important habitat. Wildlife that is vital to the communities that live in the region.
Protect land near the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River
Two areas proposed for protection would help preserve important wild lands near the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River and the Mosquito Flats high-mountain wetlands. The area has a stunning diversity and abundance of wildlife, including healthy populations of grizzly bears, wolves, wolverines, raptors, and arctic foxes.
Urge the BLM to protect these wild places for the wildlife that live there, the communities that rely on them, and for the future!
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Home to the renowned Porcupine caribou herd, moose, Dall sheep, and crystal-clear salmon streams, Alaska’s Eastern Interior remains one of our nation’s largest and wildest natural areas.
Create an Area of Critical Environmental Concern
The Bureau of Land Management is taking public comment on the creation of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) that would provide protections for wildlife and important habitat. Wildlife that is vital to the communities that live in the region.
Protect land near the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River
Two areas proposed for protection would help preserve important wild lands near the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River and the Mosquito Flats high-mountain wetlands. The area has a stunning diversity and abundance of wildlife, including healthy populations of grizzly bears, wolves, wolverines, raptors, and arctic foxes.
Urge the BLM to protect these wild places for the wildlife that live there, the communities that rely on them, and for the future!
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It’s high time to protect kids from chlorpyrifos
The science on chlorpyrifos is crystal clear. Researchers have linked this widely used insecticide to serious childhood health harms for years.
Recent studies show that chlorpyrifos can damage children’s developing brains, reducing IQ and increasing the risk of autism. Yet EPA is — inexcusably — proposing that use of the chemical continue.
Protect kids, now! » EPA is taking comments on its latest health risk review for chlorpyrifos. Using faulty models and relying on industry studies, the agency’s assessment once again seriously underestimates harms to children. Tell Administrator Gina McCarthy her agency needs to get it right.
Home use of chlorpyrifos was banned over a decade ago, precisely because science showed a risk to children’s health. Yet it continues to be used in agricultural fields across the country.
Residues are found on many fruits and vegetables, including common childhood favorites like grapes, apples and peaches. Children in rural areas are particularly at risk, since the pesticide can also drift into nearby homes and schools — a risk EPA consistently underestimates.
Action is long overdue » Their own flawed review finds that farmworkers are in harm’s way, and raises concerns about infant health harms. It’s high time for EPA to take action protecting children, workers and communities across the country from this harmful chemical.
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Recent studies show that chlorpyrifos can damage children’s developing brains, reducing IQ and increasing the risk of autism. Yet EPA is — inexcusably — proposing that use of the chemical continue.
Protect kids, now! » EPA is taking comments on its latest health risk review for chlorpyrifos. Using faulty models and relying on industry studies, the agency’s assessment once again seriously underestimates harms to children. Tell Administrator Gina McCarthy her agency needs to get it right.
Home use of chlorpyrifos was banned over a decade ago, precisely because science showed a risk to children’s health. Yet it continues to be used in agricultural fields across the country.
Residues are found on many fruits and vegetables, including common childhood favorites like grapes, apples and peaches. Children in rural areas are particularly at risk, since the pesticide can also drift into nearby homes and schools — a risk EPA consistently underestimates.
Action is long overdue » Their own flawed review finds that farmworkers are in harm’s way, and raises concerns about infant health harms. It’s high time for EPA to take action protecting children, workers and communities across the country from this harmful chemical.
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Stand with farmers protecting their land from mining!
Last December, indigenous Peruvian farmer Máxima Acuña Chaupe won a lawsuit for control of her land. Newmont Mining, who wants her land for access to a mountain lake to expand its Yanacocha gold mine, had sued her.
It was a hard fought victory. Over three years, Máxima was beaten and harassed many times by police officers and private security forces backed by Newmont.
Máxima and her family are still subject to harassment. Just last week, police officers and private security forces backed by Newmont's Peruvian subsidiary invaded her home and destroyed parts of her house.
Tell Newmont to denounce police intimidation and to ensure that Yanacocha’s security forces stop harassing Máxima and her family.
Urge Newmont to end harassment of farmers who oppose their mine!
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It was a hard fought victory. Over three years, Máxima was beaten and harassed many times by police officers and private security forces backed by Newmont.
Máxima and her family are still subject to harassment. Just last week, police officers and private security forces backed by Newmont's Peruvian subsidiary invaded her home and destroyed parts of her house.
Tell Newmont to denounce police intimidation and to ensure that Yanacocha’s security forces stop harassing Máxima and her family.
Urge Newmont to end harassment of farmers who oppose their mine!
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Pedile a Obama que frene a Shell
En este momento la gigante petrolera Shell está tratando, una vez más, de conseguir el permiso del gobierno de Estados Unidos para comenzar a perforar en junio la costa ártica de Alaska en busca de petróleo. Es una operación muy peligrosa para la cual Shell ya demostró no estar capacitada. Un derrame en este lugar sería devastador para los osos polares y todas las especies que habitan ese ecosistema único.
El presidente Obama tiene en sus manos el poder de impedir estas perforaciones y frenar a Shell. Hace pocos días propuso proteger el Refugio de Vida Silvestre del Ártico demostrando que desea terminar su último período como presidente dejando un legado importante. Hoy Shell tiene la opinión pública en su contra y hasta los propios científicos del gobierno aseguran que, si perfora el Ártico, la probabilidad de que se produzca un derrame es del 75%. Esta es LA oportunidad para que Obama sea un líder para el Ártico.
Shell está esperando una sola decisión para empezar a operar. Pedile ahora a Obama que no permita que ni Shell ni ninguna petrolera perforen en el Ártico. Completá el formulario a continuación para enviarle tu reclamo a su casilla de mail.
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El presidente Obama tiene en sus manos el poder de impedir estas perforaciones y frenar a Shell. Hace pocos días propuso proteger el Refugio de Vida Silvestre del Ártico demostrando que desea terminar su último período como presidente dejando un legado importante. Hoy Shell tiene la opinión pública en su contra y hasta los propios científicos del gobierno aseguran que, si perfora el Ártico, la probabilidad de que se produzca un derrame es del 75%. Esta es LA oportunidad para que Obama sea un líder para el Ártico.
Shell está esperando una sola decisión para empezar a operar. Pedile ahora a Obama que no permita que ni Shell ni ninguna petrolera perforen en el Ártico. Completá el formulario a continuación para enviarle tu reclamo a su casilla de mail.
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Sumate al movimiento para defender nuestros océanos
Los océanos dan refugio al 80% de la vida en la Tierra, generan más de la mitad del oxígeno que respiramos,regulan el clima de la Tierra y son fuente de alimento y subsistencia para millones de personas.
Hoy ellos necesitan tu ayuda. La sobrepesca, la minería, la extracción, la contaminación y el cambio climático los están destruyendo.
Sólo menos del 1% de aguas en el mundo están preservadas de estas amenazas. Pedile a los líderes del mundo en las Naciones Unidas que apoyen la creación de reservas y santuarios marinos para protegerlos.
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Hoy ellos necesitan tu ayuda. La sobrepesca, la minería, la extracción, la contaminación y el cambio climático los están destruyendo.
Sólo menos del 1% de aguas en el mundo están preservadas de estas amenazas. Pedile a los líderes del mundo en las Naciones Unidas que apoyen la creación de reservas y santuarios marinos para protegerlos.
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