Protect Big Cypress National Preserve from Drilling!

Big Cypress National Preserve is home to the critically endangered Florida panther and other animals like wood storks, black bears, and tortoises. Its swamps keep clean water flowing into the nearby Everglades.
But this national treasure is threatened by the oil and gas industry’s push to expand drilling in the Preserve—starting with seismic exploration.
Seismic testing would trample vegetation and wetlands, make a lot of noise, and cause pollution. The result? Damage of a unique, fragile ecosystem and reduced access for visitors.
Despite the high stakes, the National Park Service still refuses to thoroughly study the risks, instead relying on information from the oil company itself. NPS will soon decide whether to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement or just approve seismic testing, so please don't delay!
Tell the National Park Service to protect Big Cypress!

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