Hold mining companies accountable for clean-up

Across the country, families that live near polluted industrial facilities are faced with dirty water, dirty air and contaminated soils. Too often, taxpayers are left with the clean-up costs.
Right now, the EPA is considering a rule that will require mining corporations to post funds, up front, to cover the cost of cleanup for hazardous mine pollution. These funds are a type of financial assurance in case the company can’t or won’t conduct clean-up.
The rule is simple: you make a mess; you clean it up.
The mining industry is urging the Trump administration to shelve the rule, or gut it by accepting mere company promises, known as “corporate guarantees,” rather than real funds. We can't let that happen:  Taxpayers are already on the hook for an estimated $20-$54 billion in cleanup costs at existing hardrock mines!  The mining industry is the nation’s leading source of toxic pollution.
Tell the Trump administration to protect our land, air and water!

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