Protect the Santa Rita Mtns from mining
Protect the scenic Santa Rita Mtns from open-pit copper mining
The scenic Santa Rita Mountains, south of Tucson, Arizona, are an ecological haven and a recreational playground. The Santa Ritas are home to rare and endangered plants and animals, an active tourist economy, and the headwaters for part of Tucson's water supply.
And they’re under threat from the Rosemont mine proposal, thanks to the 1872 Mining Law which gives mining priority over almost all other land uses.
A Canadian investment company, with no previous mining experience, has proposed an open pit copper mine: a mile in diameter, a half mile deep, in the middle of Santa Ritas.
The mine would transform a desert refuge into an industrial zone, destroying the ecosystem and the economy that depends upon it.
To decide whether to permit this mine, the US Forest Service has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact statement and is accepting comments.
TAKE ACTION: Please tell the Forest Service the Scenic Santa Ritas are no place for a mine!
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The scenic Santa Rita Mountains, south of Tucson, Arizona, are an ecological haven and a recreational playground. The Santa Ritas are home to rare and endangered plants and animals, an active tourist economy, and the headwaters for part of Tucson's water supply.
And they’re under threat from the Rosemont mine proposal, thanks to the 1872 Mining Law which gives mining priority over almost all other land uses.
A Canadian investment company, with no previous mining experience, has proposed an open pit copper mine: a mile in diameter, a half mile deep, in the middle of Santa Ritas.
The mine would transform a desert refuge into an industrial zone, destroying the ecosystem and the economy that depends upon it.
To decide whether to permit this mine, the US Forest Service has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact statement and is accepting comments.
TAKE ACTION: Please tell the Forest Service the Scenic Santa Ritas are no place for a mine!
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Músicos de Madagascar defienden la selva
Músicos de Madagascar defienden la selva
En Madagascar, la industria de la madera tropical arrasa los bosques. Ni los parques nacionales están seguros ante los madereros. No sólo los árboles tropicales están amenazados de extinción, sino también los animales que viven en ellos, como los lemures.
Como un importante cliente de las maderas son los fabricantes de instrumentos musicales, músicos de Madagascar hacen juntos frente a esta lacra comprometiéndose con la naturaleza de su país. Organizan conciertos para llevar la denuncia a todos los rincones posibles, y han escrito un llamamiento para el que buscan el apoyo de todos nosotros. Añade hoy mismo tu firma.
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En Madagascar, la industria de la madera tropical arrasa los bosques. Ni los parques nacionales están seguros ante los madereros. No sólo los árboles tropicales están amenazados de extinción, sino también los animales que viven en ellos, como los lemures.
Como un importante cliente de las maderas son los fabricantes de instrumentos musicales, músicos de Madagascar hacen juntos frente a esta lacra comprometiéndose con la naturaleza de su país. Organizan conciertos para llevar la denuncia a todos los rincones posibles, y han escrito un llamamiento para el que buscan el apoyo de todos nosotros. Añade hoy mismo tu firma.
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Tell USDA not to approve 2,4-D-resistant corn
Tell USDA not to approve 2,4-D-resistant corn
This one is pretty simple: Dow and USDA hope to quietly approve a new genetically engineered seed line that basically swaps RoundUp (glyphosate) out and an even worse weedkiller (2,4-D) in. Bad idea.
The pesticide treadmill is catching up with Monsanto, as glyphosate-resistant “superweeds” run rampant and their blockbuster product line nears the end of its life-cycle. Dow wants to drop in an even more toxic herbicide (2,4-D) to keep the treadmill running at high speed. We have until February 27th to stop this.
Tell USDA that you want off this ride» USDA opened a public comment period over the holiday break, as they tend to do for controversial decisions they want to bury. But we’re paying attention.
Dow aims to get 2,4-D-resistant corn to market this year, soy next year and cotton in 2015. These three crops dominate U.S. agriculture, blanketing over 100 million acres of mono-cropped countryside, driving the pesticide market.
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This one is pretty simple: Dow and USDA hope to quietly approve a new genetically engineered seed line that basically swaps RoundUp (glyphosate) out and an even worse weedkiller (2,4-D) in. Bad idea.
The pesticide treadmill is catching up with Monsanto, as glyphosate-resistant “superweeds” run rampant and their blockbuster product line nears the end of its life-cycle. Dow wants to drop in an even more toxic herbicide (2,4-D) to keep the treadmill running at high speed. We have until February 27th to stop this.
Tell USDA that you want off this ride» USDA opened a public comment period over the holiday break, as they tend to do for controversial decisions they want to bury. But we’re paying attention.
Dow aims to get 2,4-D-resistant corn to market this year, soy next year and cotton in 2015. These three crops dominate U.S. agriculture, blanketing over 100 million acres of mono-cropped countryside, driving the pesticide market.
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No deben financiar a REPSOL en el Amazonas
La cooperación española al desarrollo no debe financiar a REPSOL
El estado español ha concedido fondos de cooperación a la Fundación Repsol. Su fin es ejecutar un proyecto de apoyo a comunidades de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, donde realizan su actividad petrolera. La Fundación Repsol pertenece a la petrolera del mismo nombre, que obtiene desde 1999 ingresos millonarios en Ecuador con la extracción de petróleo. Con estos pequeños proyectos, la transnacional petrolera Repsol se lava la cara, se la pinta de “verde” y se otorga una imagen amigable -con dinero público-.
La coordinadora de ONGs españolas en Ecuador rechaza contundentemente esta financiación y nos sumamos al rechazo enviando cartas al presidente de la Agencia española de Cooperación Internacional, pidiéndole que retire inmediatamente la financiación. Tú también puedes hacerlo ahora.
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El estado español ha concedido fondos de cooperación a la Fundación Repsol. Su fin es ejecutar un proyecto de apoyo a comunidades de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, donde realizan su actividad petrolera. La Fundación Repsol pertenece a la petrolera del mismo nombre, que obtiene desde 1999 ingresos millonarios en Ecuador con la extracción de petróleo. Con estos pequeños proyectos, la transnacional petrolera Repsol se lava la cara, se la pinta de “verde” y se otorga una imagen amigable -con dinero público-.
La coordinadora de ONGs españolas en Ecuador rechaza contundentemente esta financiación y nos sumamos al rechazo enviando cartas al presidente de la Agencia española de Cooperación Internacional, pidiéndole que retire inmediatamente la financiación. Tú también puedes hacerlo ahora.
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India: no a la fábrica de Michelin en el bosque
India: no a la fábrica de Michelin en el bosque de los Intocables
La multinacional de neumáticos Michelin quiere instalar su nueva fábrica en un bosque comunal de una comunidad de Intocables. Estos se oponen desdehace años a los planes de Michelin, que supondrían para ellos una gran pérdida. La semana que viene, representantes de los campesinos hindúes se manifestarán junto a trabajadores de la central de Michelin en Francia.
Si desea apoyar la protesta puede sumarse firmando la carta que han preparado diversas organizaciones francesas.
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La multinacional de neumáticos Michelin quiere instalar su nueva fábrica en un bosque comunal de una comunidad de Intocables. Estos se oponen desdehace años a los planes de Michelin, que supondrían para ellos una gran pérdida. La semana que viene, representantes de los campesinos hindúes se manifestarán junto a trabajadores de la central de Michelin en Francia.
Si desea apoyar la protesta puede sumarse firmando la carta que han preparado diversas organizaciones francesas.
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Help end the trade of conflict minerals
Help end the trade of conflict minerals
Tell the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to stop dragging its feet and issue conflict mineral rules.
The Dodd-Frank Act aims to put an end to the trade in conflict minerals -- specifically those which fund atrocities in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) -- by requiring companies to disclose whether they're using minerals from the region.
The idea being, consumers and investors can use that information to pressure companies to act more responsibly. Great, right?
Well, for that to work, the SEC has to issue rules telling companies how to comply with Dodd-Frank. And the SEC has been dragging its feet.
It was supposed to issue new rules within 270 days of Dodd-Frank passage, but it has been over 530 days… and still no rules. All while people in the DRC continue to suffer.
Join us in demanding that the SEC issue strong conflict minerals rules by the end of January.
This is important because conflict minerals fuel human rights abuses, murders, rapes, and war. These minerals could be in our phones, on our ring fingers, or in our cars. Congress took action by passing the law; it's now time for the SEC to step up.
TAKE ACTION: Tell the SEC to issue strong rules for conflict minerals!
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Tell the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to stop dragging its feet and issue conflict mineral rules.
The Dodd-Frank Act aims to put an end to the trade in conflict minerals -- specifically those which fund atrocities in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) -- by requiring companies to disclose whether they're using minerals from the region.
The idea being, consumers and investors can use that information to pressure companies to act more responsibly. Great, right?
Well, for that to work, the SEC has to issue rules telling companies how to comply with Dodd-Frank. And the SEC has been dragging its feet.
It was supposed to issue new rules within 270 days of Dodd-Frank passage, but it has been over 530 days… and still no rules. All while people in the DRC continue to suffer.
Join us in demanding that the SEC issue strong conflict minerals rules by the end of January.
This is important because conflict minerals fuel human rights abuses, murders, rapes, and war. These minerals could be in our phones, on our ring fingers, or in our cars. Congress took action by passing the law; it's now time for the SEC to step up.
TAKE ACTION: Tell the SEC to issue strong rules for conflict minerals!
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