Tell USDA not to approve 2,4-D-resistant corn

Tell USDA not to approve 2,4-D-resistant corn

This one is pretty simple: Dow and USDA hope to quietly approve a new genetically engineered seed line that basically swaps RoundUp (glyphosate) out and an even worse weedkiller (2,4-D) in. Bad idea.
The pesticide treadmill is catching up with Monsanto, as glyphosate-resistant “superweeds” run rampant and their blockbuster product line nears the end of its life-cycle. Dow wants to drop in an even more toxic herbicide (2,4-D) to keep the treadmill running at high speed. We have until February 27th to stop this.
Tell USDA that you want off this ride» USDA opened a public comment period over the holiday break, as they tend to do for controversial decisions they want to bury. But we’re paying attention.
Dow aims to get 2,4-D-resistant corn to market this year, soy next year and cotton in 2015. These three crops dominate U.S. agriculture, blanketing over 100 million acres of mono-cropped countryside, driving the pesticide market.

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