Urge Congress to act on behalf of bees

Urge Congress to act on behalf of bees

Today we joined beekeepers and partners in filing a legal petition that calls on EPA to suspend registration of Bayer’s controversial bee-toxic pesticide, clothianidin.
We also delivered over a million signatures from individuals around the world — including thousands of PAN supporters — calling on the Agency to take decisive action to protect honey bees from neonicotinoid pesticides before it's too late.
Bees are still sick, and EPA is still stuck» Bees and other pollinators are still dying off at catastrophic rates — commercial beekeepers lost an average of 36% of their hives last year according to USDA. Honey bees pollinate one in ever three bites of our food and, as an indicator species, they serve as sentinels whom we ignore at our peril. With today’s petition, we’re redoubling our efforts to protect them.

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Stop trashing the world's waters

Stop trashing the world's waters

March 22, is celebrated globally as World Water Day. With 7 billion people on the planet, the world's rivers, lakes, streams and oceans are more overstretched than ever.

So we should be working to sustain and strengthen these precious resources, right?
Tell that to the mining industry. They seem to have missed that memo.
Every year, gold, copper and other metals mines dump over 180 million tons of mine waste into the world's waters – and much of this contaminated with toxic chemicals such as arsenic and lead.
This massive dumping is taking a tremendous toll on communities and ecosystems from Alaska and Canada to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
This World Water Day, tell the mining industry to stop trashing our waters!
Thus far, just one major mining company, Australia's BHP Billiton, has a written policy against dumping wastes into rivers and oceans, and not one has a policy against dumping in lakes.

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Inundemos Quito de Vida

Inundemos Quito de Vida: solidaridad desde cualquier lugar del mundo

La "Marcha por el Agua, la Vida y la Dignidad de los Pueblos" llega hoy a Quito desde innumerables puntos del Ecuador. Miles de mujeres y hombres marchan juntos como gotas de agua formando un gran río. Denuncian el modelo extractivista minero y petrolero del gobierno de Rafael Correa. La defensa del agua se sitúa en el centro de las demandas populares. Y hoy es el Día Internacional del Agua.
Desde cualquier lugar del mundo puedes solidarizarte con la Marcha suscribiendo las reivindicaciones y solidarizándote con los que marchan.

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We have a right to know what's in our food

We have a right to know what's in our food

We're running out of time to convince FDA to label genetically engineered foods. Will you add your voice to the swell before the comment period closes on March 27th?
Up to 80% of non-organic food on our shelves contains a GE ingredient, pushed onto the market by Monsanto & company, and none of it is labeled. We think it should be.
Just Label It» More than 900,000 concerned citizens have already signed a petition urging FDA to require labeling of GE foods. Sign today and help us reach 1 million signatures.

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Pide que no financien a Shell

Pide al Fondo de Jubilaciones noruego que retire dinero de Shell

El mes pasado 28 ganadores del Premio Nobel alternativo escribieron una carta al Fondo de Jubilaciones del gobierno noruego para pedirle que saque sus acciones de Shell debido al grave daño ambiental provocado por la empresa en el Delta del Níger, Nigeria. Por favor, súmate a los ganadores del premio, entre ellos el Presidente de ATI Nnimmo Bassey, para pedirle al fondo de jubilaciones que actúe ya.
El Fondo de Jubilaciones del gobierno noruego fue creado por el p para invertir los ingresos generados por las ventas de petróleo noruego para las futuras generaciones.
El Consejo de Ética del fondo de jubilación establece lineamientos sobre en qué empresas puede invertir dinero el fondo. Las empresas que contribuyen directa o indirectamente al asesinato, la tortura, la privación de la libertad y otras violaciones a los derechos humanos están excluidas. Las empresas que incumplen ciertas normas ambientales también pueden ser excluidas.
Los 28 ganadores del Premio 'Right Livelihood' están de acuerdo con nosotros en que Shell viola gravemente los lineaminetos del Consejo de Ética debido a su sistemático daño ambiental en el Delta del Níger. Como consecuencia de ello, la empresa debería ser removida del fondo jubilatorio.
Por favor, súmate a nosotros en el pedido al Professor Ola Mestad, presidente del Consejo de Ética para recomendar que el Fondo de Jubilación noruego retire todas sus acciones de Shell de inmediato.

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Protect bees in your own backyard

Protect bees in your own backyard

Bees are in trouble and policymakers just aren’t acting quickly enough to help them. But home gardeners, backyard beekeepers and ordinary people all over the country have been stepping up.
Since honey bee colonies began collapsing in 2006, beekeeping is on the rise, alongside urban homesteading and organic gardening. People are taking real steps in their personal lives to create safe, pesticide-free spaces for bees.
Let's make this movement visible» Take the pledge to protect bees in your backyard, and then put your honey bee haven on the map! It’s easy to do, and will demonstrate the groundswell of citizen support to protect pollinators from pesticides.
You don’t need to be a beekeeper or avid gardener to create a safe haven — tucking a few containers of bee-friendly plants on a balcony or front stoop will get you started. Bees need access to pesticide-free food, water and shelter, and every bit of habitat makes a difference!

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Perú. salvar la selva de Alto Purús

Perú. salvar la selva de Alto Purús

Perú tiene la segunda mayor superficie de selva Amazónica. Pero la presión sobre la naturaleza crece. La carretera está planificada para unir Brasil con Perú, y facilitar el acceso a materias primas y su transporte.
El tramo entre las ciudades de Puerto Esperanza e Iñapari pasa directamente a través del biodiverso Parque Nacional Alto Purús. La nutria gigante, el jaguar, el maquisapa negro o mono araña (Ateles paniscus). De las 86 especies de mamíferos que viven allá, 21 están en la lista de especies amenazadas. Se trata además del refugio de al menos dos grupos de indígenas en aislamiento voluntario, extremadamente sensibles a cualquier contacto con el exterior. Cualquier carretera que pase por el Parque significará el fin de su riqueza cultural y natural.

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Call on the Norway Pension Fund to divest in Shell

Call on the Norway Pension Fund to divest in Shell

Last month 28 Right Livelihood Award laureates wrote to the Norway Government Pension Fund asking it to divest all its holdings in Shell due to the severe environmental harm caused by the company's negligence in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.
The Norway Government Pension Fund was created by the Norwegian government to invest the income generated by the sales of Norwegian oil for future generations.
The pension fund's Council of Ethics sets guidelines as to which companies the fund can invest money in. Companies that directly or indirectly contribute to killing, torture, deprivation of freedom or other violations of human rights are excluded. Companies that breach certain environmental guidelines can also be excluded.
The 28 Right Livelihood Award laureates share our belief that Shell is in serious breach of the Council of Ethics' guidelines due to the continued environmental damage it is doing in the Niger Delta. For this reason the company should be kicked out of the pension fund.
Please join us in calling on Professor Ola Mestad, the Chairman of the Council of Ethics, to recommend the Norway Pension Fund divests all its holdings in Shell with immediate effect.

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