Protect bees in your own backyard

Protect bees in your own backyard

Bees are in trouble and policymakers just aren’t acting quickly enough to help them. But home gardeners, backyard beekeepers and ordinary people all over the country have been stepping up.
Since honey bee colonies began collapsing in 2006, beekeeping is on the rise, alongside urban homesteading and organic gardening. People are taking real steps in their personal lives to create safe, pesticide-free spaces for bees.
Let's make this movement visible» Take the pledge to protect bees in your backyard, and then put your honey bee haven on the map! It’s easy to do, and will demonstrate the groundswell of citizen support to protect pollinators from pesticides.
You don’t need to be a beekeeper or avid gardener to create a safe haven — tucking a few containers of bee-friendly plants on a balcony or front stoop will get you started. Bees need access to pesticide-free food, water and shelter, and every bit of habitat makes a difference!

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