Tell EPA: Protect kids from pesticide drift!
It's spring! A favorite time of year for many, the season brings with it longer days, budding landscapes and — for many rural communities — the onset of spray season.
We know pesticides can drift onto neighboring farms and into homes, parks and schools. We also know children romp in all these places, and that their growing bodies are especially vulnerable to pesticide harms.
Time to protect kids from drift! » Right now, EPA is accepting comments on a new way to measure the risks of drifting pesticides — but their proposal is flawed, and would seriously underestimate potential harms to children's health. Let's tell them to get it right! Sign on today, and we'll deliver your message before the April 30th deadline.
Congress told EPA to get better rules in place by 2006 to protect children from pesticide exposures. Seeing no progress by 2009, PAN and our partners took the agency to court to challenge the lack of action.
Just last month, EPA finally responded to our lawsuit — basically by saying "business as usual" is good enough. They say their updated approach to assessing risks of spray drift will do enough to protect kids. We firmly disagree.
Tell EPA to get it right » Children in rural areas deserve better! For years now, our Drift Catchers have documented agricultural pesticides drifting into schools, homes and playgrounds in states across the country — from Minnesota to California, Florida and Hawai'i.
It's high time to put rules in place that actually protect children from harmful pesticide drift.
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We know pesticides can drift onto neighboring farms and into homes, parks and schools. We also know children romp in all these places, and that their growing bodies are especially vulnerable to pesticide harms.
Time to protect kids from drift! » Right now, EPA is accepting comments on a new way to measure the risks of drifting pesticides — but their proposal is flawed, and would seriously underestimate potential harms to children's health. Let's tell them to get it right! Sign on today, and we'll deliver your message before the April 30th deadline.
Congress told EPA to get better rules in place by 2006 to protect children from pesticide exposures. Seeing no progress by 2009, PAN and our partners took the agency to court to challenge the lack of action.
Just last month, EPA finally responded to our lawsuit — basically by saying "business as usual" is good enough. They say their updated approach to assessing risks of spray drift will do enough to protect kids. We firmly disagree.
Tell EPA to get it right » Children in rural areas deserve better! For years now, our Drift Catchers have documented agricultural pesticides drifting into schools, homes and playgrounds in states across the country — from Minnesota to California, Florida and Hawai'i.
It's high time to put rules in place that actually protect children from harmful pesticide drift.
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