Agroquímicos: exigí que la EPA dictamine reglas claras
Tell EPA it’s time to fix pesticide rules
Our pesticide rules are broken, and farmworkers and their families are the first to know — and be harmed.
For more than 13 years, EPA has been promising to fix the set of rules designed to protect farmworkers from the harms of pesticide exposure. We now hear that the process is finally in motion.
Tell EPA to get it right» Mark this year’s National Farmworker Awareness Week by urging policymakers to better protect the country’s nearly two million farmworkers from pesticide harms. It’s high time to strengthen this broken policy.
Here in the U.S., farmworkers are explicitly excluded from the protections other workers enjoy. Worker Protection Standards were designed to fill this gap, but they remain weak and unenforced.
Back in 1989, Cesar Chavez called out the pesticide harms farmworkers face:
Farmworkers and their families are exposed to pesticides from the crops they work. The soil the crops are grown in. Drift from sprays applied to adjoining fields — and often to the very field where they are working... The fields that surround their homes are heavily and repeatedly sprayed.
He highlighted the particular dangers to farmworker children. And he called for reforms. More than 20 years later, pesticide poisoning rates among U.S. farmworkers are 39 times higher than the rate seen in all other industries combined. The health harms of chronic exposure are also clear. Farmworkers are much more likely, for example, to develop leukemia, stomach cancer and cervical cancer. .
Act Now, EPA» Improved Worker Protection Standards have been delayed long enough — and farmworkers and their families bear the burden. Tell EPA it’s time to fix these broken rules.
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Our pesticide rules are broken, and farmworkers and their families are the first to know — and be harmed.
For more than 13 years, EPA has been promising to fix the set of rules designed to protect farmworkers from the harms of pesticide exposure. We now hear that the process is finally in motion.
Tell EPA to get it right» Mark this year’s National Farmworker Awareness Week by urging policymakers to better protect the country’s nearly two million farmworkers from pesticide harms. It’s high time to strengthen this broken policy.
Here in the U.S., farmworkers are explicitly excluded from the protections other workers enjoy. Worker Protection Standards were designed to fill this gap, but they remain weak and unenforced.
Back in 1989, Cesar Chavez called out the pesticide harms farmworkers face:
Farmworkers and their families are exposed to pesticides from the crops they work. The soil the crops are grown in. Drift from sprays applied to adjoining fields — and often to the very field where they are working... The fields that surround their homes are heavily and repeatedly sprayed.
He highlighted the particular dangers to farmworker children. And he called for reforms. More than 20 years later, pesticide poisoning rates among U.S. farmworkers are 39 times higher than the rate seen in all other industries combined. The health harms of chronic exposure are also clear. Farmworkers are much more likely, for example, to develop leukemia, stomach cancer and cervical cancer. .
Act Now, EPA» Improved Worker Protection Standards have been delayed long enough — and farmworkers and their families bear the burden. Tell EPA it’s time to fix these broken rules.
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