Protect the World’s Most Prolific Wild Salmon Fishery

A mining corporation wants to build a monstrous open pit copper/gold mine at the headwaters of Alaska’s Bristol Bay – home to the largest and most productive wild salmon runs on Earth.
Mine waste from the proposed Pebble mine is so vast, it would fill 3,900 major football stadiums, and cause irreversible harm to the salmon! Alaska Native Tribes, commercial fishermen, conservation groups, jewelers, supermarkets, electronics manufacturers, chefs, and outdoor outfitters have all asked the Environmental Protection Agency to use its authority under the Clean Water Act to protect the salmon.
Now, the EPA has used that authority to propose a plan that places major restrictions on mine waste disposal in Bristol Bay’s rivers, streams and wetlands.
Bristol Bay’s pristine streams are no place for toxic mine waste.
This is our last chance to officially tell the EPA to stop the Pebble mine -- please act now!
TAKE ACTION: Urge the Obama Administration to protect Bristol Bay and finalize the proposed mine waste disposal restrictions as soon as possible.

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