Alaska: no a la minería en áreas de conservación

Don't allow mining in conservation and recreation areas

Alaska possesses some of the most remote wild places remaining in the United States. In the Eastern Interior of Alaska, three areas have achieved national management designations for their unique characteristics for recreation, wildlife, habitat and subsistence:

- The Steese National Conservation Area was set aside to restore the Birch Creek National Wild and Scenic River, and protect caribou and Dall sheep habitat;
- The White Mountains National Recreation Area was specifically set aside for recreation;
- The Fortymile Wild and Scenic River corridor was established to maintain and improve fish and wildlife habitat.

Now the American public has a chance to weigh in on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) draft Resource Management Plan, which proposes to open the area to hardrock mineral leasing.
TAKE ACTION: Tell BLM to maintain existing protections, and not to allow hardrock mineral leasing in conservation and recreation areas.

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