YOU are stopping dams in the Amazon

YOU are stopping dams in the Amazon

YOU are putting the breaks on the Brazilian government's Amazon dam building agenda! Because you believe in the critical importance of this campaign, the rights of indigenous people and the future of the Amazon, construction of the Belo Monte dam has been temporarily halted on at least six occasions over the last year. Right now, the Supreme Court of Brazil is the key to stopping it FOREVER!
Send an urgent message to Brazil's Supreme Court calling for a definitive ruling on lawsuits against the Belo Monte dam! Our team is on the ground in Brazil now, listening for YOUR voice to join the world chorus that will empower the Supreme Court justices to meet with community representatives next month.
Brazilian federal judges suspended construction of Belo Monte twice in 2012 for the lack of prior consultations with affected indigenous communities. Then a high court ruled that the Brazilian Congress' authorization of Belo Monte violated affected indigenous communities' right to consultation under the Brazilian Constitution and ILO Convention 169. That's all good. But to keep momentum the Supreme Court must uphold the decision, permanently suspending construction of Belo Monte until there is meaningful consultation with the indigenous peoples of the region.
At this moment Brazil's leaders are at a critical crossroads. They are considering policies that could set the country – and the entire region – on a path of clean energy leadership. Or, they could take the well-trodden path of increased greenhouse gas emissions, displacement of indigenous peoples and rainforest destruction that affects us all.

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